Sunday School
Sunday School is a wonderful time in our church! We meet at 9:20 am for a coffee fellowship time in the Cafe'. At 9:30, we gather together for an opening time in the auditorium before being dismissed to our different classes.
Nursery.............. Main Building
Kindergarten................Mod. 3
Grades 1-3....................Mod. 4
Grades 4-6....................Mod. 3
Teens..............................Mod. 2
Men.................................Mod. 1
Ladies................Main Building

Bus Ministry
Luke 18:16,17 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not:for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein

Church Planting
We here at Calvary Baptist Church believe it is God's will for churches to birth churches. Mark 1:38 declares "And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth." Since the birth of this church we have strived to see other churches started out of this church. Currently we have started three other missions with plans of starting many more if the Lord tarries His coming. We are going into the next towns and starting churches all over this state. Come and join with us in this great undertaking. What a joy and delight it is to obey the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ and take His gospel from place to place.
(Island Baptist Church)
We started the church by meeting on Friday nights with 25 to 30 of our people going up every week. As we went and preached, God burdened the heart of Bro. Bill Schoppe to move to the island and continue the ministry there. What a joy it has been to see God's hand of blessing on this work and the faithfulness of this family.
Please pray for this remote work as it continues to reach the souls of Islesboro Maine.
The First Baptist Church of Jackman is the second mission church the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford, Maine has planted. It was a thrill since the summer of 2011 to fly up weekly for soul-winning and services. Currently, the church has called David Bowman as their Pastor. The God of Heaven has saved souls and stirred our hearts through this church.
Providence Bapitst Church was planted in the summer of 2014. It currently meets at 134 West Main Street, Fort Kent, ME.The Lord is blessing under Pastor John Kelly. Fort Kent is the furthermost northern town in the Continental US, and lies in the St. John Valley across the St. John River from New Brunswick, Canada. Please be in prayer for this young mission.
In December of 2014 I received a phone call about a church that had shut it doors in June of 2014. I begin to meet with a few of the people that had formerly been a part of this church. We discussed at length our vision and goals and what we felt like the God of Heaven had in mind for this region. After several sessions together we starting meeting with regularly scheduled services at 2:30 on Sunday Afternoon. We also meet on Thursdays at 6 as schedules permit. Aviation is a great tool in this exciting outreach. After I preach on Sunday morning I fly up to hold afternoon services and then fly back for the evening service in Sanford. It’s amazing to see what the Lord is already doing in such a short period of time. We are excited to see churches started all over our state and our thrilled to see life again in this town.
In September of 2018, Pastor Bell reached out to a small group of believers from Whiting Maine. He flew up to Machias, Maine to meet with the men and discuss options to see their group go forward. After meeting several times together, Pastor Bell mentioned to them about officially organizing the group into a Baptist Church. They agreed that the church would be called the Hope Bible Baptist Church. Our church continued to fly up weekly, using aviation to expedite the gospel. After meeting for 10 months, we had an official organization service. This was a weekend revival meeting that was well attended by several churches and pastors. Just a few short months later, God sent Pastor Bo Redman to be their pastor. Praise the Lord for another church that has been planted and the gospel going forth in down east Maine.
Wings With The Word
Pastor Todd Bell
You can follow me on Facebook, signup for an Newsletter Email, read my regular blog, and listen to my radio broadcast below.
The Southern Maine School of the Bible
The Southern Maine School of the Bible is a way for people of all ages and walks of life to take Bible classes without having to go to a college.
If you are interested in signing up for classes or you would like more information, please call the church office: 207-324-7737

Lunch of Love
Lunch of Love is a ministry that makes home-cooked meals each Friday and delivers them to local community members in need (widows, elderly, shut-ins etc).
If someone needs a meal or knows someone who could benefit from this ministry please contact the church office (207) 324-7737.