Missionary Directory
Some information is not available due to protection of our Missionaries in dangerous places.
- Richard & Laura Badgett- South Africa
- Brandon & Maggie Byerly-South Africa
- Caleb & Kelsi Caviness- Republic of Congo
- Caleb & Emily Christiansen- Nigeria
- Eric & Jessica Curtis- Malawi
- Michelle Geiger- South Africa
- Dan & Janice Jalowiec- Zambia
- Chad & Sarah Hainline- Sudan
- Nate & Emily Wilkerson- West Africa-Burkina Faso
- Noah & Tristan Wilkerson- Mozambique
- Benjamin & Gemma Alhambra- Philippines
- Curtis & Amber Hall- Thailand
- Bona & Thy Has- Cambodia
- Brian & Angela Pratt- India
- Gaius Santiago- Philippines
- Kimble & Young Cha Stohry- NE Asia
- Chris & Rhonda White- Japan
- Eddie & Sarah Ziss- Philippines
- The Ordono Family- Philippines
- Andrew & Shawn Canavan- Ireland
- Mike & Lynee Carney- Hungary
- Jody & Ginger Hodnett- Scotland
- Levi & Brittany Mullins- United Kingdom
- Derek & Julie Thomas- Ukraine
- Roger & Tammy Tooley- England
- Daniel & Christina Norton- US Military
North America
- Chris & Carole Shull- Iluslissat
- Paul & Amy Valles- Turks – Caicos Islands
North America | Canada
- Jean Philippe & Anne Marie Fillion- Quebec
- Paul & Lorna Hitz- Baffin Island
- Cory & April McTague- Ontario
- Matt & Katie Northcutt- Newfoundland
- Patrick & Emily O’Brien- Newfoundland
- Jean & Sherley Rousseau- Quebec
North America | Maine
- David & Vicki Bowman- Jackman
- Don & Linda Champeon- Helps
- Steve & Ruth Grubbs- New Vineyard
- Jaron & Kim McFarland- Oxford
- Brandon & Nicole Pelkey- Stockton Springs
- Bo & Nicole Redmon- Whiting
- Brooks & Trish Suttle- Yarmouth
- Royal River Press- Rumford
North America | USA
- Tony & Dawn Barbosa- E. Providence, Rhode Island
- Matt & Katie Brunk- Maui, Hawaii
- Matthew & Hannah Frank- NE Prison Ministry
- Bob & Patsy Green- Hispanic, BIMI Aviation
- Rickey & April Howard- Utah
- Philip & Angela Moore- Utah
- Faye Owens- South Carolina
- Ben & Jennifer Potter- Vermont
- Nathan & Kelly Saunders- SW Field Director Macedonia
- David & Annette Townsley- Terryville, Connecticut
- Donald & Marissa Sevigny- Cape Cod
- Nick & Lindsey Stelzig- Boston
- Zachary & Elizabeth Rusaw- Haverhill
- Josh & Rebecca Florence- Papua New Guinea
- Tim & Leandra Hawes- Papua New Guinea
- Joe & Melissa Marshall- Australia
- Jack & Melinda Peeler- Micronesia Helps Ministry
South America
- Brian & Jackie McCobb- Paraguay
- Mike & Marta Mullins- Chile
- Nick & Ashley Schmidt- Brazil
- Roxanne Ribeiro- Brazil
At Large
- Baptist Church Planting Ministry
- Scott & Cassie Caudill- Director of Macedonia World Missions
- The Crown College of the Bible
- Bruce & Mary DeLange- Rep. Bible Fellowship Tract League
- Dr. Terry & Peggy Ellis- President Rock of Ages Ministry
- Jeff & Danielle Faggart- Baptist Preservation Society
- Bill & Jessie Flowers- Muslims
- Ed & Mary Framptom- Pres. International Board of Jewish Miss.
- Danny & Mary Ellen Jack- Evangelist
- Robert & Lisa Jones- Director Anchor Baptist Missions
- Dale & Vicki Money-Director First Bible International
- National Center for Life and Liberty
- New England Baptist College
- Mike & Beth Payton- Spanish Nations
- Raul Pinto- Save New England
- John & Janice Shelley- Rock of Ages
- Mark & Rachel Thren- Evangelist/ Music Ministry
- Wings with The Word- New England Aviation